Monday, April 24, 2006

Loving the Lost

I am greatly inspired by Guy Muse who is a Missionary in Ecuador who is planting churches in homes. I believe that this is the way forward for Britain as well. The other day he mentioned that in America it takes on average 86 church members a year to bring one person to Baptism (full church membership). In the home churches in Ecuador the average is one baptism for every 3 church members every year.

Our church (St.Mark’s) is about 100 members. At the 86:1 rate after 15 years we would have 119 members assuming noone died or left. At the 3:1 rate of new members after 15 years we would have nearly 7,500 members in 15 years.
Guy gives some clues as to why the Ecuadorian believers are so fruitful. We have much to learn :
1) Praying daily for lost. Talk to any of the believers in a Guayaquil housechurch and they will show you their list of people they pray for daily ofunsaved family, friends, neighbors.

2) Active regular sharing of the Gospel. It is a very natural part of their Christian walk to share the Gospel with people they encounter in their daily lives. Christ has made such a difference in their lives, and they cannot help but share this with those they come in contact with.

3) Planning regular evangelistic events. The house churches plan regular evangelistic events inviting those they are praying for to attend (concerts, outdoor street meetings, special programs, family conferences, DVD/Videos, invited guest speakers, neighborhood evangelistic door-to-door blitzes, etc.)

4) Visiting the sick and personally ministering to lost friends, neighbors and family in times of crisis. They are very good about visiting sick people outside of their church family, praying for their healing and ministering to lost family and friends during difficult times.

5) Not distracted by a lot of outside issues. We too have our sticky issues, but they are more along the lines of things like can unmarried couples who get saved be baptized? How to counsel people with difficult problems? How to discern if someone is demon possessed or just emotionally unstable? How to handle questions that Roman Catholics always ask? Why doesn't God always heal someone when they are prayed for? If I were to share with them (and I don't) the issues that are causing all the uproar in the IMB and SBC these days, they would shake their heads in disbelief!

6) Intentionally focus on evangelism as a life priority. Talk to any of them andthey will tell you that their ministry is to win/disciple at least eight peoplethis year. They expect God to give them these souls and are consciously prayingand working to achieve this goal.

7) They maintain friendships/relationships with lost friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc. They play ball on the street with them, visit them in their homes, minister to them in times of need. How are we ever supposed to win people to the Lord if we have little/no relationship with the lost? How is a Christian supposed to win lost people if they do not even know any? Folks here know plenty of lost people whom they are burdened for their salvation.

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