Monday, May 29, 2006

A New Job

Today I had an epiphany - I am no longer a Vicar. Now I am a life coach!


Lou Davis said...

Sounds good - Christianity's supposed to be about living life to the full!

Your change of job title reminds me that I met someone a couple of years back at a christian conference and asked him what he did. He said he was in 'imports and exports' and I was so pleased to meet someone else there that wasn't a vicar/pastor/minister.

Then I asked what he imported and exported - he said he imported souls into the kingdom and exported them to heaven. I have to admit I was a little dissapointed!

J. Guy Muse said...

I have to admit, you have my curiosity up about your recent epiphany. What was it that caused this new understanding?

Ross Garner said...

Apparently some of the folks in the South East (of England) are getting themselves lifestyle gurus or life coaches to help them get the most out of life.

Now as one who knows the author of life and designer of the universe personnaly I have a handle on the secrets of living life to the max!

I am willing to share these secrets freely with those who are willing to commit themselves to the discipline of learning The Way.